Should you or should you not tolerate the sofa meals will probably entirely depend on the type of the living routines, habits and rules you are trying to put into effect in your home. If you feel how eating in front of the television is not a very good habit and how it should be avoided at all times then there is no point in adding anything else. If you do not feel this way but you hate all those nasty stains on your carpets, rugs and upholstery left behind the meals of this type then you should weigh you decision. Factors that may help you here with your decision making is the level of the pleasure you and your household members’ get from this type of dining as opposed to the level of frustration you go through each time you spot a new mark on your rugs and each time you try to fight the same on your own.
The most difficult situations in life are always resolvable via compromising. If you are uncertain about which way to go the best thing to do is go both ways half way. So if you really like enjoying your meals in front of your telly, just do it. After all the carpet is just an item and you purchased the same in the first place to give you pleasure when admiring your living area.
Everything is possible
If however you still wish to enjoy your meals and get to enjoy your carpet’s beauty and looks as well, the smartest thing you can do is to get professional carpet cleaning company over to your home at least once per month. This way you will make sure your carpets is in the right hands and you will not go into panic each time you drop piece of pizza on the floor.